Plenary and Workshop Handouts
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NOFSW Conference Agenda 5.24.24
Monday June 24 8:30-5:30 Immigration Certificate Program
Immigration for Social Workers
Intake Interview
Social Workers as DOJ Accredited Representatives
Context of Migration from Central America and Mexico: Implications for Mental Health and Trauma
Immigration Evaluations
Tuesday June 25 12:30-1:45
Plenary - Ethical Considerations of Serving Immigrant Communities
Mary Lehman, PhD
Tuesday June 25 2:15-3:45
The Ethical Intersections of Forensic Social Work
Timothy McArthur, LCSW
The NASW Code of Ethics
Tuesday June 25 2:15-3:45
Socio-Bio Mitigation Videos: Using powerful visuals for advocacy
Steven Robinson, DSW, LCSW
Tuesday June 25 2:15-3:45
Trauma Care and Recovery Planning with Justice Involved Individuals
Delores Blackwell, PhD
Tuesday June 25 2:15-3:45
Typologies and Forensic Social Work among Youth with Problem Sexual Behavior
Adam Brown, PhD
Tuesday June 25 2:15-3:45
Duty to Warn: What you need to know!
James Andrews, LCSW, LICSW, BCD
Tuesday June 25 2:15-3:45
A Drug Test is Not a Parenting Test: Holistic Advocacy for Parents Navigating the Stigma of Substance Use in Bronx Family Court
Zoe Russell, LMSW; Leslie Polseno; Desseray Wright
Tuesday June 25 4:00-5:30
Crafting Compelling Narratives: Bringing Creativity and Confidence to Written Mitigation
Nikita Rahman, MSW; Anne Vachon, MSSW
Tuesday June 25 4:00-5:30
Forensic Social Work: Does the Attorney-Client Privilege Apply (or Not)?
Dana Prescott, PhD, LMSW, JD; Diane Tennies, PhD, LADC
Tuesday June 25 4:00-5:30
The Importance of an Interdisciplinary Team in Early Advocacy
Alyssa Harriston
Tuesday June 25 4:00-5:30
Avoiding Dehumanizing Language: How Labels Prevent Effective Advocacy
Ronda Swenson, MA; Artie Gonzales; Franky Carillo; Ray Ibarra
Humanizing Language ppt
Humanizing Language resources
Tuesday June 25 4:00-5:30
Public Safety Wellness: Overview of an Organizational Health and Training Model
Bianca Channer, DSW, LCSW; Katherine Moore, LMSW; Ralphaina Dubisson, MSW
Tuesday June 25 5:30-6:30
Poster - Indiana Addictions: A Case Study for Correctional, Peer-Led Addictions Recovery
Tyler Jean, LSW, MSW, MS.Ed., PhD
Tuesday June 25 5:30-6:30
Poster - Childhood Trauma and Delinquency: The role of callous-unemotional traits and moral disengagement
Hyun Kim, M.A.; James "Tres" Stefurak, Ph.D.; Victoria Dixon
Tuesday June 25 5:30-6:30
Poster - The Role of Social Determinants of Mental Health in Evaluation and Diagnosis
Alena Aguilar, LMSW
Tuesday June 25 5:30-6:30
Poster - The Effects of a Co-Response Program on Patrol Time and Call Volume for Crisis-Related Calls: A time series analysis
Mark Plassmeyer, Ph.D., MSW
Summary of Current Findings
Summary of Current Gaps and Recommendations
Wednesday June 26 8:15-9:30
Plenary - Finding Common Ground in the Reform vs Abolitionist Debate
Panel moderated by David McLeod, PhD
Wednesday June 26 10:00-11:00
Holistic Representation of LGBTQ People
Klevis Baholli, LMSW; Laura Rolston, MSW
NOFSW LGBTQ Presentation
LH PPI Redacted
MJ PPI Redacted
LGBTQ Defense Project
Wednesday June 26 10:00-11:00
International Re-Entry Planning
Susan Cruz, MSW
Wednesday June 26 10:00-11:00
Beyond Incarceration: Supporting Black Mothers' Successful Reentry through a Critical Lens
Leslianne Davis, BS, MSW
Wednesday June 26 10:00-11:00
How Deep Should We Dig? How Remembrance Work Contextualizes Our Clients Experiences
Ashley Edwards, MSW
Wednesday June 26 10:00-11:00
Bridging the Gap: Mastering the Transition from Clinical to Forensic Social Work
Gilbert Singletary
Wednesday June 26 11:15-12:15
Interdisciplinary Defense
Abbie Elam, MSW; Lauren Sergent, BS; Emily Harris, BS
Wednesday June 26 11:15-12:15
Sustainability in Forensic Social Work: Beyond Self-Care
Rachel Goldsmith, LCSW-R
Wednesday June 26 11:15-12:15
Trauma and the Parallel Process for Correction Officers Providing Control, Correction, and Care: Visceral and vicarious experiences
Warren Graham, MSW; Eric Hines, AAS
Wednesday June 26 11:15-12:15
Exploring Simulation-Based Learning in Forensic Social Work Education
Dimitra Lattas, MRes, MSW, BA; Brittany Adams, LCSW; Rachel M.Ross, LCSW, RPT-S
Wednesday June 26 11:30-12:30 Waterbury
Empowering Nonoffending Caregivers: Key Strategies for Success in Child Sexual Abuse Investigations
Viola Vaughan-Eden, PhD, MSW, MJ; Stacie LeBlanc, JD, MEd
Wednesday June 26 1:45-2:45
Strengthening Foundations in Forensic Social Workers
Vanessa Jones, MSSW, LCSW
Wednesday June 26 1:45-2:45
Building Resilience as Forensic Social Workers
LaQueshia Clemons, MSW; Denise Brunskill, MSW
Wednesday June 26 1:45-2:45
Bridging the Gap: The role of generalist forensic social workers as community legal workers in promoting access to justice and social welfare
Shawna Hoyte, BA, BSW, JD, MSW
Wednesday June 26 1:45-2:45
The Crucial Role of Parental Capacity Evaluations
Carrie Landis, LCSW, MAT
Wednesday June 26 1:45-2:45
Holistic Representation: Better Outcomes for Youth
Malikah Marrus, DSW, MSW; Ellen Marrus, JD LLM; Rifqa SaAadat
Wednesday June 26 3:00-4:00
The Journal of Forensic Social Work: The Journey to Open Access
David McLeod, PhD, MSW; Corie Young, MSW
Wednesday June 26 3:00-4:00
Leveraging Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Advancing civil legal outcomes for individuals living with mental health conditions
Anne Milne, MPH, LCSW; Christine Fuchs, JD
Wednesday June 26 3:00-4:00
Psychological Evaluations and Risk Assessments: Ethical purposes and limits
Dana Prescott, PhD, LMSW, JD; Diane Tennies, PhD, LADC
Wednesday June 26 3:00-4:00
Reckoning with Moral Injury in Correctional Healthcare: Findings and recommendations from a mixed methods study
Stephanie Gangemi; Camille Dysart, MSW; Caroline Sutton Chubb, MPA
Wednesday June 26 3:00-4:00
Emotional Intelligence, Relationship Management and the 4 stage Approach to Servicing Incarcerated Individuals.
Marquis Chandler
Wednesday June 26 4:15-5:15
Interdisciplinary Collaboration between Social Work and the Legal System
Rick Ornelas; Rosemary Alamo, DBH
Wednesday June 26 4:15-5:15
Expanding the Social Work Lens Beyond Casework
Jenelle Pedroza, LCSW; Anne Milne, MPH, LCSW
Wednesday June 26 4:15-5:15
Police Social Work in Millvale Borough
Alyssa Peters, MSW; Tim Komoroski
Wednesday June 26 4:15-5:15
Recovery Planning for Individuals in Care From Admission to Outplacement at a Forensic Hospital
Cortez Scott, MBA , MSW; Leila Rosado, MSW; Shamar Rouse, MSW; Tanya Logan; Leslie Palmer; Shiresse Brewington
Thursday June 27 8:30-9:45
Plenary - Bearing Witness to a Homicide: Vicarious Trauma Experienced in the Death Chamber
Sandra Joy, Ph.D., LCSW and Reverand Dr. Jeff Hood
Thursday June 27 10:15-11:15
ACEs and Chronic Child Custody Conflict: Implications for ethical forensic practice
Dana Prescott, PhD, LMSW, JD; Diane Tennies, PhD, LADC
Thursday June 27 10:15-11:15
Forensic Evaluation and Immigration Systems
Ann Webb, Ph.D., J.D.
Forensic Evaluation (template)
Thursday June 27 10:15-11:15
Older Adults with Dementia and the Criminal Legal System
Brittney Williams, LMSW-C
Thursday June 27 10:15-11:15
Peace Brokers: An asset-based approach to healing & violence prevention
Mayra Lopez-Humphreys, PhD, LMSW; Jorge Diaz,MSW
Thursday June 27 11:30-12:30
Shifting the Mindset: Trauma-informed training for correctional system staff
Jacoba Rock, Ph.D., MSW; Hillary Vervalin, MSW; Terry-Jan Ashton, MSW
Thursday June 27 11:30-12:30
In Whose Interests? Comparing the treatment of children in federal immigration court, and in state child welfare proceedings in Minnesota
Susan Schmidt, DSW, MSSW, LGSW
Thursday June 27 11:30-12:30
Using Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Courtroom Simulation with Social Work Students: Learning gains and challenges Sherece Shavel, PhD
Thursday June 27 11:30-12:30
Take it Like a Man: A qualitative study of characteristics of male sexual assault targets in juvenile detention facilities
Clio Weisman, PhD; Belle Weisman