Sol Gothard Lifetime Achievement
Award Winners
2018 Sol Gothard Lifetime Achievement Award – Kathleen Faller, PhD
Kathleen Coulborn Faller is the Marion Elizabeth Blue Endowed Professor Emerita of Children and Families, and Professor Emerita of Social Work at the University of Michigan. She is involved in research, clinical work, teaching, training, and writing in the area of child welfare and forensic social work. She has written nine books and approximately 90 peer reviewed articles; conducted more than 300 juried international, national, and state conference presentations; and presented more than 250 workshop addressing controversies of interviewing children about sexual abuse, the co-morbidity of child maltreatment and parental substance abuse, domestic violence, cultural competence in child welfare, and child welfare workforce issues. She also served as the founding Director of Family Assessment Clinic at the University of Michigan for more than 30 years and was the Principal Investigator on the University of Michigan site of National Child Welfare Workforce Institute. As one of the foremost experts in forensic interviewing and forensic evaluation of children, Dr. Faller has been an expert witness in hundreds of child maltreatment cases throughout the United States. As a member of NOFSW, she has presented many times and served on the editorial board of the Journal of Forensic Social Work.