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Plenary and Workshop Handouts  

If a link is not active, no handouts have been submitted for that session.  Handouts will continue to be added up to, during and after the conference so please check back frequently.  Many presenters are bringing handouts to distribute at the session.

Tuesday Plenary: Women’s Reentry and Healing Through Storytelling
Ashley McSwain, MSW, MSOD, Executive Director, Community Family Life Services 

                                                            Workshop Sessions
1. Trauma-Informed Service Provision for Justice-Involved Populations 
2. Law Enforcement and Social Workers’ collaboration: How do we know we’re improving Social Justice and structural change? 
3. Preparing Child Victims and Witnesses for Court: Prepping for Success 
4. Research Sessions
4.1 Police Social Work: Lessons from the 1970s Chicago Police-Social Service Project             
4.2 GIS Mapping: Connecting Crime and Care 
5. Is the COVID Pandemic a New Form of ACEs: Implications for Forensic Practice

    a. ppt

    b. impact on families

    c. McEwen article

 6. Advocacy to Effect Structural Change in Addressing Collateral Consequences Among Court Involved Populations 
 7. Harm Reduction Practice with Mandated Clients 
8. Research Sessions
8.1 Deaf offenders: Understanding the role of social work in meeting the language and cultural access needs of this community.                         
8.2 Modern Typologies of Female Sexual Offending 



Wednesday Plenary:  After Tragedies, Strategies: A Conversation About Community Engagement – One Officer’s Story 
Officer Shakita Warren; Stacey Hardy-Chandler, PhD

                                                              Workshop Sessions:
9. Creating change through successful police/social work partnerships  

    a. handout for NOFSW

    b. Police SW brochure final

    c. Police SW in SRU Rock magazine

    d. Sample LC activities

    e. Stats
10. Unjust Justice: Developmental Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System
11. Forensic Social Work: When does the Attorney-Client Privilege Apply (or Not)? 
12. Research Sessions
12.1 Early Childhood Court: Lessons Learned from Florida 
12.2 The overcriminalization of Black girls: Using an intersectional lens to examine the School-to-Prison Pipeline  
13.  Addressing Social Justice and Changing Unjust Systems Politically at the Local Level 
14. Teaching Street Law to justice involved youth: An inter-professional approach 

      a. Street Law NOFSW HO

      b. lawyers

      c. attorneys handout

      d. case of the shipwrecked sailors

      e. case of the spilled coffee

      f. evaluation

      g. pre and post surveys
15. Defense Based Social Work
16. Roundtables
16.1  Prisoner Menstrual Equity: A Call for Social Work Intervention & Advocacy 
16.2  cancelled
16.3 Bridging the Gap Between Corrections and Community: Project Blue 
16.4 Breaking the Cycle: Making ACEs Work for Providers in Forensic Settings 
16.5 Using VRT to predict specific pedophilic interest in a group of child sex offenders
17. Identifying and Documenting Developmental Disabilities

      a. ID Risk Factor Chart

      b. List of Tests of IDD

      c. AAIDD Chart
18. Caring for the Peripartum Patient Experiencing Incarceration
19. Outpatient restoration services for competency to stand trial in Connecticut: a look at trends in successes and failures 
20.  Research Sessions
20.1 The Ethical and Empirical Basis for Moral Reconation Therapy: Implications for Forensic Social Work
20.2 Homicide Bereavement and Juvenile Justice Involved Youth: Practice, Policy, and Research    
21. Using the TRAP-18 to Identify an Incel Lone-Actor Terrorist
22. Legal Abuse Syndrome: A Preventable Hidden Endemic

23. Liberating and Empowering All Defendants (LEAD): Empowering clients of Erie County to make a change in their own lives while encountering the criminal justice system
24. Research Sessions
24.1  'I feel human again' — Hotels as Non-Congregate Emergency Housing for Returning Citizens 
24.2      TBA



Thursday Plenary: Stories of Redemption: Social Justice for those Serving Life Without the Possibility of Parole 
Sandra Joy, Ph.D., LCSW; Gary Tyler


Workshop Sessions

25. Building Confidence for Caregivers of NAS Infants
26. Justice involved children having children 
27. Positioning Equity, Appealing to Communities and Transforming Systems 
28.  Incorporating Forensic and Prevention Practices in Social Work Field Education, Practicums, and Supervision 
29. Public Defense Social Work with LGBTQ Clients
30. Bridging Professions: Improving Holistic Representation Through Early Integration of Social Work Into Defense Settings
31. Sex Offenders’ Perceptions of Their Grooming Behaviors
32.  Legal Navigation & Social Work Practice:  Increasing court accessibility and system integration

      a. Guide_NCS 

      b. HHJ Legal Outcomes

      c.  NCS Fact Sheet

      d. worksheet

      e. slides

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